Number System 8

Number System – Exercise – 1

1. On dividing 15624 by 41, what is the quotient and the remainder?

2. On dividing 397246 by a certain number, the quotient is 865 and the remainder is 211. Find the divisor.

3. What is the number which on dividing (x + ak) gives ‘a’ as the quotient and x as the remainder?

4. Find the least number, that must be subtracted from 87375, to get a number exactly divisible by 698.

5. What least number must added to 49123 to get a number exactly divisible by 263.

6. Find the greatest number of 3 digits, which is exactly divisible by 35.

7. Find the least number of 3 digits, which is exactly divisible by 14.

8. A number when divided by 602 leaves a remainder 36. What remainder would be obtained by dividing the same number by 14?

9. A number, when divided by 357, leaves a remainder 5. What remainder would be obtained by dividing the same number by 17?

10. Find the binary equivalent of

(i) 30

(ii) 27

(iii) 41


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