Answer of Fundamental Small Question 1
1. Who developed C language?
Ans:- Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bell Laboratory, Murray Hill, New Jersey Developed C in 1972.
2. Why is C named of this language?
Ans:- The “C” name of this language is represent it as the successor of B language.
3. Who developed B language?
Ans:- Ken Thompson in 1970 developed B for the first UNIX system on the DEC PDP-7 computer.
4. Give the silent features of C.
Ans:- C is general purpose, free format and structured programming language. It has a rich set of operators, and uses more control structures. Memory addresses are directly accessed by using pointers. It is quite suitable for system programming. It is flexible and powerful language. It is fast running, machine independent and efficient language.
5. What are the limitations of C?
Ans:- There is no uniformity in associativity and no direct I/O facility.
6. Give the name any five C compiler?
Ans:- The name of five ‘C’ compilers:-
(i) Turbo C
(ii) Microsoft C
(iii) Quick C
(iv) Lattice C
(v) Power C
7. Give the character set of C.
Ans:- Alphabets : A to Z and a to z
Digits : 0 to 9
Special Characters : + - * / % = < > _ blank : ; , . ‘ “ ? ! # \ ( ) [ ] { } & | ^ ~
8. List out the name of C language reserved words.
Ans:- ANSI C keywords are listed below:
auto, break, case,
9. What is the purpose of a variable and a constant in a programming language?
Ans:- The data are represented using variable or constants in a programming language.
10. Give the name of scalar data types in C.
Ans:- Scalar data types in C are int, char, float and double.
11. Give the name of derived data types in C.
Ans:- Derived data types in C are array, function, pointers, structure and unions.
12. What are qualifiers in C?
Ans:- Qualifiers or modifiers are identifiers that may precede the scalar data types (except float) to specify the number of bits used for representing the respective type of data in memory. The qualifiers in C are short, long, signed and unsigned.
13. Give the name of type specifiers in C.
Ans:- Name of the type specifiers which is used in C : char, int, float, double, short, long, signed and unsigned.
14. Give the name of type of constant in C.
Ans:- The name of type of constants which is used in C : Integer constant, single and double precision constants, character constants, string constants and symbolic constants.
15. How are octal and hexa decimal constants are represented?
Ans:- Octal constants are preceded by zero and they are formed by using digits 0 to 7.
For example, 056 and 063.
Hexa constants are preceded by 0x or 0X. They are formed by using digits 0 to 9 and characters A to F or a to f.
For example, 0x532 and 0xa1c3.
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